• Signature Bonbons

    Something we take pride in at Nibbs is our artisan chocolate bonbons. Characterized by their shiny and colorful exterior, a thin layer of tempered chocolate coats a variety of softer chocolate, caramel, and fruit based fillings. A flavorful experience all wrapped into a single bite.

  • Caramel Cold Brew Squares

    Our signature Caramel Cold Brew Squares are our top-selling item and are widely enjoyed by our customers. Inside a thin layer of tempered chocolate lies a soft and creamy caramel cold brew ganache. Cold brew prepared in-house, made with locally roasted coffee beans from Hardy Coffee Company along with perfectly caramelized sugar paired with milk chocolate is what makes these chocolates so delectable.

  • Peppermint Bark

    Peppermint bark is back! Refreshing peppermint and thin layers of smooth chocolate meet with a satisfying crunch. The perfect holiday season snack or stocking stuffer! One bag contains 8 ounces.
